RTS Home Learning Provision Plan

Following the Covid pandemic, schools are now required to maintain the ability to provide a home-learning platform for parents.

If school is open as normal the school will use it’s online learning platforms to set homework and communicate with parents.

The Home Learning Provision Plan and the Parent’s guides provide families with a full guide as to the support they will receive for remote learning in the event of individual, group, class or full school remote learning.

All remote learning will be founded upon Our vision to teach every child the wisdom, knowledge and skills to be creative lifelong learners enabling them to shape their future; achieving academic excellence by delivering a curriculum, rich in experiences, which stimulates and challenges all learners.

This Provision in based upon the recommendations in DfE ‘Review your remote education provision’ Jan 2021 and DfE Template for sharing information about remote education. The school also follows the recommended best practise of the Education Endowment Foundation.