Photo Gallery
This page will show photographs of many of the celebrations and achievements that take place at RTS. The sections contain photographs of specific events and will be updated through the year.
This page will show photographs of many of the celebrations and achievements that take place at RTS. The sections contain photographs of specific events and will be updated through the year.
Everyone at RTS has had a great time learning about the lives of Fairtrade Farmers during our Fairtrade Fortnight 2025.
Everyone at RTS had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day 2025.
The RTS Choir had an amazing time performing at the Royal Hall as part of the Rotary Club Charity Concert.
Spring is here and the children in Year One are enjoying Forest School again.
Year One Forest School is one of the highlights of the week. Here are some photos from the first Forest School Term at RTS.
The children from Year 5 and 6 enjoyed their recent trip to learn about the life of the Tudors.
It was lovely to welcome parents to join their children at our EYFS stay and play session which was enjoyed by all.
The Year 5 Space Camp at RTS was a huge success with the children camping at school to learn about the universe and study the stars.
These are the children who are chosen to wear the special yellow jumper as star of the week.
The children from Wensleydale Class had an amazing afternoon working with nature artist Winston Plowes in the Wildlife Garden.
Winston Plowes, the amazing nature artist who will be working with us this year in the wildlife garden with Year One children.
Here are some of the photographs from this years nativity ‘Everyone Loves a Baby!’
Here are some of the images of our Christmas celebrations for 2024
The children at RTS have had a wonderful time creating the picture of Pudsey from pennies. Raising money for a good cause.
The children from key stage two had a great time learning about the lives of the Anglo-Saxons.
Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to our harvest festival appeal this year.
We are always very proud of the sporting teams that represent our school.