This tree was designed by Miss Lea to celebrate our 50th anniversary on the current site. It shows how our children grow and flourish in Respect, Trust and Service.

Responsibilities at Richard Taylor School

Respect, Trust and Service are the three core values which we want all of our children to learn so that they have a voice and an opportunity to use it to make a difference in their school, community and world.

Our children are ambassadors for our school and we ensure that they are able to flourish and grow as active members of our community.

Our Ambassadors play an active role in the life of the school. The sections below show how they lead our school.

Our Eco Ambassadors work with Miss Sherwood to promote environmental issues in school. They have lead change in the way we recycle paper and plastic, reduce waste and introduce a meat free Monday for school lunches.

Their work has achieved both Eco Schools Status and The Woodland Trust Gold Award.

The school council work with Mrs Phelan to act as a voice for the children at RTS.

The council holding their November meeting where they discussed which charities they would like to support in 2025.

They meet every half term to discuss what matters to the children our school. They have led campaigns to raise funds for a number of chosen charities and have led improvements in many areas of school life.

Every new starter at RTS is given a year six buddy. They act as mentors, friends and guides to our reception children. taking them for their first school dinner, taking them to services and St John’s Church and being a positive influence of the live of our youngest children.

Our Sports Ambassadors help to organise intra-sports activities during the year. They work with Mrs Rothera to engage younger children in physical activity during the school day.

Our worship ambassadors work with Mr Symonds to lead worship at RTS. They act as stewards and welcomers at the start of every act of worship. They participate in daily acts of celebration and keep a reflective record of what our worship means to the children at our school.

The Bistro Buddies are volunteers who work in the dining hall, serving our younger children and helping to create a positive and happy environment at lunchtimes.  They encourage other children to reduce waste and enjoy their meals.