Early Years Foundation Stage
At Richard Taylor Primary School the Early Years Foundation Stage supports children to develop their social skills, build resilience and independence and become curious learners.
Our Early years curriculum is based on the Development Matters document milestone and assessment points. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, that puts the children at the centre of their learning. Learning takes place both inside and outside and each plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s learning and development.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is split into 7 areas of learning and development. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. There are three prime areas of learning and four specific areas of learning.
Three prime areas:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
- Communication and Language.
- Physical Development.
Four specific areas:
- Literacy Development.
- Mathematical Development.
- Understanding the World.
- Expressive Arts and Design.
The Early Years Foundation Stage lays the building blocks for the rest of the children’s journey through school. We take a holistic approach to education and put a real emphasis on developing the three prime areas of learning. The three prime areas will provide the basis for all areas of the EYFS and beyond. We understand that every single one of our children is unique and individual. We strive to meet the varying needs of each one, ensuring that by the time they leave EYFS they are ready to embark on the rest of their exciting school journey.
In the EYFS we see the value in play and take the time to play with our children. Modelling high quality interactions, fun, explorative play-based learning is at the heart of our day. The EYFS environment is carefully planned to ensure that play is purposeful and supports learning, we know that children learn well when they are engrossed in an activity that interests them. Alongside child-initiated play, children will take part in whole class phonics and maths sessions, adult led group and 1:1 activities. In EYFS we use the ‘Rocket Phonics’ scheme to develop reading and writing and the ‘NCETM Mastering Number’ program to develop fluency and mastery in number.
From our point of meeting, we put a real emphasis on our relationship with you. We work hard to build these relationships throughout the year and frequently invite our families into school for stay and play sessions, worship times, phonics drop-in sessions and reading sessions.
Families in EYFS receive updates, photos and learning via Tapestry.